The Child First Approach in Youth Justice

The Youth Justice Board describe the Child First approach as being ‘the guiding principle for the Youth Justice Sector, (it) underpins the Standards for Children in the Justice System and revised Case Management Guidance’ YJB 2023.

This training will guide participants through the core principles and research evidence base of the Child First approach. Participants will gain confidence and enthusiasm in applying the principles of this approach to everyday practice.

By attending this course, staff will consolidate their skills in :

  • Responding to their caseload in a child-focussed way.
  • Promoting strengths and building a pro-social identity.
  • Collaborating with children.
  • Diverting from stigma.
  • Participants will be encouraged to recognise the barriers to this approach and identify ways that this can be achieved in practice.
  • This training session is targeted at professionals that work in Youth Justice Services and Social Care.


The length of this course is 2 hours.

Aimed at:

This course is designed for staff from Youth Justice Services, Social Care and Police.

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